When you reminisce over past vacations, theres severalmoments that tend to stick out when you remember the great times you had. Itmight be something as profound as a real milestone, such as child losing atooth, learning to swim, or a birthday celebration. It might be the naturalbeauty of the area, the smell of great food, or the moment of Zen you feel asthe ocean breeze whisks through your hair. It might even be hanging by the poolat the resort, strolling through a shopping/entertainment complex, or that timethe whole family went to the oceanfront seafood restaurant. One thing thathelps us hold on to these memories, like a bullet-point, reminder-notification,or translucent tab on a file folder is LIVE MUSIC.
When you vacation in popular areas like Myrtle Beach, livemusic is everywhere: Resorts, clubs, restaurants, bars, poolside,shopping/entertainment complexes like Barefoot Landing and Broadway at theBeach, and even just musicians on the street. I cant overstate the importanceof having this in our area, particularly during the summer months - and I dontjust mean for the livelihood and intrinsic needs of the musicians. Live musicprovides the soundtrack and synesthesia that creates nodes in time which we canrevisit with ease when we hear Margaritaville on the radio or while waitingto get an oil change.
Think about it - youre sitting there in Jiffy Lube, playinga match-3 game on your phone, not thinking about anything in particular.Then, you notice Jimmy Buffett on the radio and you are instantly transportedto a North Myrtle Beach vacation you took with the family 5 years ago: You wereall sitting outdoors at a fantastic oceanfront restaurant and the appetizershad just came. There were 10 of you and you had to wait a bit to get yourtable, but hey - it was the summer! Now you were here, the sun was going down,there was a slight breeze... and all was right with the world. There were twoguitarists on stools doing their very own rendition of Buffetts masterpieceand were cracking everyone up with some lyrics which bordered on NSFW! Youremember laughing, looking around the table and seeing kids who were now incollege, your spouse who was a little grayer up top (and further along in themiddle!), and you remember how Uncle Vern (who is no longer with us) sang alongand laughed with the kids.
You are wearing a slight smile as you stare into the middledistance and instantly come back to the now as you are asked if you want to getyour oil filter changed. Back to life, back to reality. But....for a brief moment- because of that silly song and those live musicians - you were able to timetravel to that exact moment and relive that precious memory. When you visitNorth Myrtle Beach, or anywhere on your next vacation, take a moment toappreciate and let that live music stamp an imprint on your memories. Inbetween the peel and eat shrimp and your nephews dad jokes, bend your ear tohear that awful Nickelback song with which the guy with dreads is taking artisticliberties! It will help you hang on to the best of times!
Heres some great places to hear live music (especiallyduring the summer!) in North Myrtle Beach:

These 3 restaurants are not only 3 of the best places to getfresh seafood, sushi, and amazing service - they have top quality live musicevery night in the summer. Plus - they are all right on the water! You cant gowrong!
Main St. in North Myrtle Beach -
If you are looking to make music and dancing the main eventof your evening, look no further! Main St. Boasts some of the BEST live musicon the entire Grand Strand. You have Fat Harolds, a Shag staple which willfeature terrific beach music and Ducks, which will have bands playingeverything from beach to Motown to Disco to 80s & 90s. Both havefantastic bars and Ducks even has live outdoor music on the sidewalk.
Pirates Cove has a great variety of local acts playing rock,reggae, hip-hop, country, and classic rock. The atmosphere is fun and youresure to have a blast! They also have a rooftop bar and deck which provides abreathtaking view of the ocean while you enjoy the best of times!

The HOB is the #1 venue for A-listers and top acts fromaround the country. Theres no better or bigger stage and you get to choosefrom The main stage, restaurant, and The Deck for awesome live music andgreat food. You cant go wrong at the HOB!

Every Thursday, from June through October, you can enjoy afree concert at The Horseshoe, right at the end of Main St at Ocean Blvd.Bring a lawn/beach chair and listen to popular acts like Gary Lowder andSmokin Hot, Jim Quick and Coastline, The Entertainers, The Band of Oz, TheCatalinas, and the Entertainers. Great times!
These are just the tip of the iceberg for great live musicin North Myrtle Beach. Youre sure to find live music in most restaurants andBarefoot Landing will have music everywhere!

Jason Coker is originally from the metropolis of Burlington, NC and is passionate about vacation experiences. An aficionado of music, sports, and all things geeky, Jason spends his free time performing music in several brass groups in the Myrtle Beach area, grilling out, and relaxing with his son, daughter, and lovely wife, Amy.